Error Codes
Error Codes
There are the most common result codes returned by API methods. Take in care that the only result codes that charges or refund into user's credit account are '10' for sale methods and '20' for refund methods. Any other result code will does not had any kind of effect on balance.
Result codes that user should take in care are
Code | Descrption |
13, 911 | Eaning user's credit accounts has reached its limit, or does not got enough balance |
977,980 | Eaning user's credit accounts has reached its limit, or does not got enough balance |
990 | Meaning there was a timeout between CSQ and his operator. Should be reported to CSQ NOC Support |
991 | Meaning general system error attempting that operation. Should be reported to CSQ NOC Support |
992 | Meaning an operator's internal system error, informed by operator itself. Should be reporte to CSQ NOC Support |
998 | Meaning unknown error. Should be reported to CSQ NOC Support |
Sales methods specific codes
Code | Descrption |
10 | OK Indicate that transaction had been ordered correctly, and so, processed correctly by final operator. CSQ will charge transaction amount if and only if sale result code is 10. |
11 | KO Operation rejected by the operator. Original operator rejected to process order, with no more description. |
12 | KO Duplicate transaction. Same order had been placed recently to operator and was rejected by it's security system. |
13 | KO Insufficient balance on customer's credit account to realize the operation. |
14 | KO Operator rejected to realize transaction due phone number/account does not allow more refills. |
15 | KO Pending operation. There is a previous refill order on original operator side yet beign applied. |
16 | KO Temporary unavailable operator. |
17 | KO Rejected by security reasons. Same refill was recently carried out. |
18 | KO Line deactivated. |
Revert method specific codes
These are specific Revert method result codes, indicating result of
the queried operation
Code | Descrption |
20 | OK Reversion operation was correctly applied by operator. CSQ will refund transaction amount on user's account if and only if Revert result code is 20. |
21 | KO Reversion was not accepted by original operator due final customer had spent part of the credit applied. |
22 | KO Original operation not found or was not previously completed. |
23 | KO Original operation was previously reversed. |
24 | KO Allowed time for reversion had expired. |
25 | KO Original operation is still being realized, on pending state. |
27 | KO Original operation was failed or not completed. |
29 | KO Original operator does not allow refunds. |
Query method
These are specific Query method result codes, indicating result of
the queried operation. Note that 'state' OK or 'KO' refers to Query
request itself, not to queried operation.
Code | Descrption |
30 | OK Queried operation was completed correctly. |
31 | OK Queried operation was reversed. |
32 | KO Queried operation not found or was not previously. |
35 | KO Queried operation was not yet finished, in pending state. |
36 | OK Queried operation state is not sucessful. |
Generic response codes
These are generic specific error codes that can be returned by any
Code | Descrption |
200 | OK Internal autoreversion. Does not affect user's credit account in any way. |
516 | KO Invalid hash. |
517 | KO Invalid parameters. |
521 | KO Reversion not allowed because differs user from original operation's. |
911 | KO Credit limit exceed for user's account. |
923 | KO Operation not allowed. |
933 | KO Operator not available. |
934 | KO Destination account banned or dehabilitated. |
925 | KO Incorrect date. Any operation will be allowed if date mark on transaction (date field) differs more than 24h than real date time. |
927 | KO Amount not allowed. |
931 | KO Invalid destination account for specified operator. Uses to appear when MSISDN is not in required format, does not belongs to specified operator's country, does not belong to specified operator, or does not accept top ups. |
970 | KO Duplicated transaction. Appears when localRef had been repeated or when operator rejected transaction due a same recent one. |
971 | KO Transaction denied by original operator. Uses to appear when indicated MSISDN account had been banned to receive refills. |
977 | KO Operator had been dehabilitated temporarily. |
980 | KO Operator had been dehabilitated temporarily. |
990 | KO There had been a timeout or communication failure while CSQ was waiting for operator response. Although is possible refill had been processed by operator, this transaction will not be charged to user's account. Should be reported to CSQ NOC Support. |
991 | KO General system error. Should been reported to CSQ NOC Support.. |
992 | KO Original operator inform about an internal system error. Outage. Should be reported to CSQ NOC Support. |
993 | KO Original operator inform about an internal timeout or database problem. Outage. Should be reported to CSQ NOC Support. |
995 | KO Timeout waiting for customer ACK message |
998 | KO Unknown error. Should be reported to CSQ NOC Support. |
Last modified: 6 days ago